Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Champions? I think Yes.

So today I attended the last P.E. class I would ever take for my entire college career. (cue "awww's" here)

My P.E. subject (which as I've said, is the last) this semester is Table Tennis and I was fortunate enough to be in the best table tennis class this sem. Seriously. We won the interclass table tennis tournament earlier today (woohoo, amirite?). We were all jumping around like we'd won the lottery, even though there was no prize money for being Table Tennis Champions that semester. Boooo. However, our efforts were not wasted. Because we won, our professor announced that she would not be requiring us take the written exam tomorrow anymore. So hooray for not studying the history of table tennis and its rules and regulations tonight! After all, I'm not really interested in memorizing what size that little orange ping pong ball is.

Hooray Red Team. Congrats to us. Thank you guys for making my last P.E. class ever super memorable. This is a bittersweet thing for me. I'm confused as to whether I'm happy with not having to take any more P.E. classes next semester or sad since I'm going to be missing wearing my P.E. uniform and having that one class each week that's "chill time". Perhaps it's for the best, though since I know I'll be up to my chin in major subjects next semester. Which reminds me that I will be a college junior this June. I feel so old. Oh and as for you (yes, you. the guy with the face towel constantly draped across his shoulder), thanks for making us all laugh with your ever-changing and super animated facial expressions as you expertly whacked those balls around. Wait, that last sentence sounded wrong.

Ping ya later,


  1. "whacked those balls around"

    Still, sounds like you got ome awesome skills up your sleeve! And yay for not studying, takes a lot of work off of your shoulders~

  2. @Fang: i merely mooched off the awesomeness of my teammates during the tournament. haha. yay indeed. xD

    @Jodie-Ann: goodbye, PE. haha.

    @Eeshie: i don't know if i feel the same. as i've said, it was sort of a chill subject, a break from all the other hdsajfhagfhebf subjects. haha. xD

  3. HAHAHA! hey Table tennis partner! :) I accidentally came across your blog.. and haha. the last 2 sentences are so funny! HAHAHA :) I can still remember his expressions! :)

    Miss you Ish! Happy summer vacation! :)


do you have anything to say about the sugar-fueled shizz i have hastily posted above? don't hesitate! comment now!

(i just realized how infomercial-y that sounded. but hey, don't let that stop you from commenting!)